T-SQL Tuesday #014 – Start as you mean to go on

I cant believe T-SQL Tuesday has come around so soon again, and luckily I have just seen a tweet for someone else’s contribution just before I was about to turn into bed (it has just gone 01:17 a.m here in the UK).

So people, be grateful that I’m sacrificing those precious extra minutes counting sheep just to spout nonsense to you all! Actually you’d probably prefer that I just went to bed right? Well tough, I’m writing this even if it takes me all night (which I can assure you it won’t!).

So for those of you who didn’t know, this January’s T-SQL Tuesday is brought to us all by newly crowned MVP Jen McCown (Blog|Twitter) who has joined hubbie Sean within those prestigious ranks. Congratulations! This month she poses the question “So tell us: what techie resolutions have you been pondering, and why?”.

I could probably answer this question fairly quickly, since for once I was very quick off the mark setting out my targets for the year ahead since I have a lot I would like to accomplish and if you are interested in what that might be then you can check out the post entitled “A Year in Provence“.

Its true that I am not getting any younger, but with age comes wisdom and experience and I’m realistic enough to know that there is a good chance that not even 90% of my targets will be achieved. That is the real danger with predefined targets and resolutions because should you not achieve them the disappointment can be even more depressing than had you not bothered in the first place. But I personally like a challenge and I am at my best when I am up against the wall (that did not quite come out how I meant it…) so I fully intend not only hit my pre-defined targets but to go even further than I have set out, and if I fail at least I tried.

This is why, this year rather than waiting four weeks or so to recover from the usual Christmas indulgences, I am going full steam ahead right this minute so there is no time to even contemplate failure. So if you want to succeed this year and hit all your targets too, I wish you the best of luck and “start how you mean to go on!”

2 thoughts on “T-SQL Tuesday #014 – Start as you mean to go on

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