Tag Archives: Dockercon

4 days of Dockercon – Day 4

After doing some more work in the evening for Microsoft and watching my Football match, I didn’t get to sleep until midnight, so I woke with my usual conference groggy feeling. At my age, I really need more hours in bed! Thankfully I had done most of my packing the night before so didn’t have an awful lot to do. However given the fact that I had skipped dinner/ supper the night before I was determined to grab a big breakfast. I’d skipped my evening meal since I really couldn’t be bothered to wander down to the Shopping Mall and waste 40 minutes on a round trip in doing so, nor did I fancy a meal in the hotel restaurant wasting 2 hours of messing around.

This morning I was out of my room by 8 am. and promptly checked out, booked my transit back to the airport and checked my luggage into the Conference drop off point and headed to the post-conference Summits. I had somehow managed to register for two (the Moby Project Summit and Enterprise Summit) and whilst I suspected that the Moby Project would hold slightly more interest for me, I felt that it probably would hold less business value than the Enterprise option. So I deregistered myself from Moby, and went to get myself a freshly-born bouncing plate of bacon, eggs, beans, and… cheese! (yes these Danish folks are nut-cases!!!).

The Enterprise Summit kicked off talking even more about the MTA program and perhaps labored a little too long on its overview (especially since we had witnessed much of this material during the conference and keynotes). A few demos later and I am impressed that MTA and Docker Enterprise are a very good business proposition for most (if not all) businesses, though I really must try these things out myself on some problematic apps. You know the saying that  “if it sounds too good to be true….”? That’s partially how I feel at the moment, and I would rather hear about the serious problems encountered and failures experienced – that (I believe) would be more useful for us to understand the limitations of this service. The Enterprise Summit in truth was an extended series of sessions and regurgitated material and took us up to lunchtime (only 3 hours after breakfast – seriously guys?!) but I decided to take the opportunity now, given the proximity of the hotel to anything else and also taking into account my arranged departure time to the airport (5.30 pm.). The afternoon section of the “Enterprise Summit” consisted of completing the lab exercises, so I decided to finish lunch early and head over to my favorite spot.

Unfortunately for me, by 3pm. I was kicked out of the Conference center since Dockercon was “officially over”, and therefore had no option but to head back to the hotel and continue the labs from the bar area where I managed to do some cool stuff in swarm (playing around with node failures, container scaling and failed upgrades/ rollbacks).

This. Is. The. Future. Folks. (And the future is now…).

Thankfully I’d just finished up and grabbed my ride to the airport and 15 minutes later hit checkin, security, etc. After refuelling on airport pizza I decide to crack open the labs for one last time and 2 hours later remember it is probably a good time to hit the button on this blog post :).

All in all, a very productive 1st Dockercon and I have got much more return on investment than I could ever dream from certain other conferences (which shan’t be named!). I did miss bumping into many of my friends and familiar faces during this conference and certainly found the (presumably) Danes very reserved and hard to have a conversation with at the dinner tables -so after several abortive attempts to get them speaking I ultimately gave up. I already have another (bucket list) conference firmly on my watch list for next year, but really hope I can add Dockercon US/EU also into my budget.

Other posts in this series
4 days of Dockercon – Day 3
4 days of Dockercon – Day 2
4 days of Dockercon – Day 1
4 days of Dockercon – Day 0